Tokyo — Giorgia Meloni is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for the fourth time at the official residence of the Japanese government on Monday. Despite its unfavorable reputation among the citizens of the Land of the Rising Sun, Kantei Palace in central Tokyo has been the working and sleeping place of Kishida for over two years, even as his government’s popularity has plummeted due to scandals and resignations. At four o’clock in the afternoon, 8 o’clock in Italy, the handover from the G7 leadership to the Italian Prime Minister will take place at the residence of Ambassador Gianluigi Benedetti. With the goal of increasing industrial collaborations with Japan and attracting investments, Meloni will meet with top officials from Hitachi Ltd, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Denso Corporation (part of the Toyota group), and Ebara (energy, environment, infrastructure).
Additionally, meetings are scheduled with Mitsui & Co, Marubeni Corporation, and MUFG, the largest bank group in Japan, which has a partnership with the “Made in Italy” ministry led by another member of the Meloni party, Adolfo Urso. Tokyo is most interested in obtaining assurance that Rome, as the leader of the G7, will act “continuously”. For Kishida, the security of the Indo-Pacific region is the top priority as the axis between China and Russia and the fate of Taiwan are of concern. This article is for subscribers to Corriere della Sera and is published twice a week at 12:00.
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February 4, 2024 (modified on February 4, 2024 | 19:42)
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