The book “L’oscura morte di Andrea Palladio” by Matteo Strukul, published by Rizzoli on February 5th, is dedicated to the mysterious end of a master of sixteenth-century architecture. Patrizia Violi writes about it. In addition to the “Temi del Giorno” (Daily Themes), which are available exclusively in digital format, and the new issue of “la Lettura” available in advance on Saturdays, the app also offers the entire archive of “la Lettura” issues from 2011 until now, organized by year and searchable with an advanced search engine.
It also includes the “Originals,” texts by great writers published in Italian translation in “la Lettura” and now available in the original language. For subscribers, the contents are also accessible from PC and Mac starting from their own Profile page. Other topics in this issue include: What is “la tùrra”?
It’s the ladle in Campidanese. And what about “il buvinèl”? It’s the funnel in Bolognese.
Marco Giannini provides a visual guide to the dialectal names of kitchen utensils, accompanied by an article written by Emanuela Scarpellini about languages in the kitchen. In addition, a journey through flat earth theories, fake moon landings, and other conspiracy myths opens on Monday at the Museum of Philosophy in Milan in the exhibition “Complottismo, fake news e altre trappole mentali” (Conspiracy Theories, Fake News, and Other Mental Traps), as reported by Antonio Carioti. February 2, 2024 (updated on February 2, 2024 | 19:02)
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