Sunday, September 8, 2024

Estación Termini, las voces de los propietarios de bares y restaurantes. “Peleas, agresiones, robos: la noche aquí nos da miedo”

“Robberies, aggressions, theft: the night here scares us”
Traders and saleswomen in the area coexist with violence, among vagrants and drug addicts who burst into the shops. “The vagrants spit on us, the fights are daily, in the evenings we are surrounded by drug addicts and dealers.”

We have been robbed and threatened on several occasions, as have our clients. And this is what happens among the shops inside Termini.

What is needed is an increase in police or foot patrols, closer controls.” In the evenings, I accompany my saleswomen home, it’s too dangerous to let them go alone.

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