Friday, March 14, 2025

Retirement: When Will We Go? The New Age-By-Age Map and Benefits Calculations for Women and Men

January 30 – 19:19
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The majority of current employees can retire between 60 and 68 years. But for those who started after ’96, retirement can also be at 75.

How to make the calculations
Between 60 and 68 years: the majority of retirement ages for workers are within this range based on current regulations. It is unlikely to be lower, while for some it may be higher, beyond 70 years.

Case by case, each worker will have their own retirement timing, depending on the year of birth and the age at which they started contributing, net of buybacks or contribution pauses. For a first, quick, personalized simulation, the Pensionometer is available in the Economy section of, which allows for an estimate of both the time and value of the pension in various scenarios.

The calculations in the tables represent an average scenario and use colors to better visualize the four main types of current requirements. In blue, those who can take advantage of the early retirement requirement are highlighted, currently set at 42 years and 10 months for men and 41 years and 10 months for women: these are workers who started working early, before 24 or 25 years old.

The 2019 reform had temporarily blocked the adjustment of this requirement to the increase in life expectancy, but starting in 2027, once the decline in average longevity due to the pandemic has been absorbed, it will be able to start increasing again. In yellow, there are instead those who can retire with the old-age requirement, which currently requires 67 years of age and 20 years of contributions.

These are workers who started contributing before 1995 and cannot benefit from the contributory early retirement requirement, highlighted in orange. January 30 – 19:19

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