Sunday, September 8, 2024

Inter and the Serie A title challenge with Juventus: why it’s not over yet –

Reaching maturity is achieved exam after exam, test after test, by studying and working: it is a challenging dimension that requires time, provides confidence and a subtle pleasure, but Inter’s task does not end here, far from it, dare to think, to mirror in a [classification that in a few days could become even more generous. But certainly Inter and Inzaghi find themselves in a situation of intense comfort, like facing the cold protected by those cashmere sweaters, the precious ones that come from Mongolia (players and coach with what they earn they can afford it).

Let’s limit ourselves to the sweater, let’s not lie down in front of the fireplace, spring will come and as Gianni Brera, a great master of journalism and with the immense culture that he also revealed as a passionate meteorologist, taught, the risk of drowsiness, and therefore of unhappy performances, increases (Brera referred above all to the teams from the sea, this has not yet happened in Milan…). They will be months of fire for Inter engaged in the Champions League, maintaining this amphibious life, between Europe and Italy-league, not leaving anything, aiming for everything, for the binge of the championship and the Cup, will certainly not be easy.

It will have to be very attentive, focused, because this Juve is defeated, but certainly not sedated, never and never dead. Even if after this defeat, the usual suspects will rearm, a minority, annoying and repetitive, specialized in attacks far from the truth and common sense.

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* February 5, 2024 (modified on February 5, 2024 | 10:11)

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