Friday, March 14, 2025

Guerini: “Support for Ukraine a firm point for the Pd. No to demagogy” –

Will it still hold up? “Support for Ukraine is a key point for the Democratic Party. It is the support for those who fight for freedom against those who, at the gates of Europe, illegitimately use force to attack a people, its sovereignty, its right to choose its future looking towards Europe and the West. Its aspiration for a true and just peace.”

They have the numbers, let them govern: that’s democracy. We, the opposition, have the task of pointing out the glaring gap between what they are doing and what they said during the electoral campaign. On healthcare, economic growth, jobs, taxes. Above all, we must offer alternative proposals that address real problems and propose real solutions.

As befits a real alternative government that does not want to limit itself to being demagogic opposition or mere testimony.” It seems like a daunting task at least for the moment. “If we move away from petty arguments and the anxiety of electoral performance, I think it’s possible. We did it on the minimum wage.

We can do it on healthcare, so crucial for people’s lives. On the German model, which has proven to work, I believe it’s possible to find common ground. Pd and Azione agree, Italy Viva could join when it realizes that there is no room to change the majority’s text. I don’t know what the 5 Star Movement thinks, but frankly, I wouldn’t understand if they were opposed.

They would be important steps towards the unity of the opposition, but not sufficient because sooner or later, we will have to have a political clarification. And generosity cannot be requested only from the Democratic Party.” In practice, he’s saying that in order to build an alliance between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, the reformists like you must go… “Vaste programme… And in any case, if this were the desire, I advise you to make peace with it: hic manebimus optime. Today as yesterday, we are interested in working on an alliance permeated by the values of the center-left and that speaks to Italians of a credible alternative.

Of government. With clear points: from the value system to the country’s international positioning. In that interview, Conte also says that you can’t walk together if you’re not united on the conflict in Ukraine, that there are too many ambiguities in the Democratic Party on this issue as well as others (ecological transition, moral issue, legality)… “What I find ambiguous is manifesting ‘solidarity’ towards the Ukrainians a bit hypocritically and denying them the right to defend themselves. It’s a fuzzy and, if you allow me, rather cynical reasoning.

For me, this is a point that is not negotiable for any alliance. In reality, political discussion is too conditioned by a mistaken interpretation of the European vote seen as a regulation of power relations within the blocs. Not understanding that instead the stakes in Europe are quite different.” “There has been too much talk about it.

Prodi said the right things, which I agree with. I would stop there. Rather, I think it is urgent to think together about our idea of Europe, with what proposals and with which team, to continue the positive and not easy work of our outgoing group.” Above 20 percent that the polls give him now?

“There’s a plethora of assumptions on the topic that I refrain from. I hope for the highest possible, not only for the Democratic Party but for the entire socialist and democratic European family. And we cannot afford for there not to be a strong, united, courageous Europe in the field, supported by the democratic forces who know how decisive it is for global fortunes. Certainly not a weak Europe and one of the vetoes of the sovereignist right.”

This is dedicated to subscribers to Corriere della Sera and arrives twice a week at 12 o’clock. *Corriere della Sera is also on Whatsapp. Just click here to subscribe to the channel and stay updated. * February 6, 2024 (edited on February 6, 2024 | 10:09 pm)

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