Monday, February 24, 2025

Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy Buried in Turin of His Ancestors: A Journey into the Toponymy of the City

In Torino, there is a significant presence of the Savoy family in the streets and avenues. Vittorio Emanuele naturally does not have a street named after him in Torino, and it is presumed that there never will be one.

Corso and Largo Vittorio Emanuele II run through a good part of the city along the Po River. There is also the lesser-known Vittorio Emanuele II Bridge across the Stura River, on the axis of Corso Vercelli, and the Garden located near the former Cascina della Porporata, in the northern belt of Torino.

Likewise, Vittorio Emanuele II’s mother, Maria José del Belgio, has not left any traces in the toponymy of Torino. Corso Re Umberto is named after great-grandfather Umberto I, King of Italy until 1900, who was assassinated in an anarchist attack in Monza on July 29th of that year.

Torino has also remembered Vittorio Emanuele II’s great-grandmother, Queen Maria Adelaide, by naming the former hospital along the Lungodora after her, as well as naming the Princess Clotilde Street after their daughter Maria Clotilde, and the Prince Oddone Street after their son Oddone. After that, a less noble history began, one that is less pleasant to recount and remember.

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