Friday, February 14, 2025

Which party to vote for in the 2022 Elections on September 25th

Find your party with the Corriere test: discover which political party is closest to your ideas. On September 25th, Italians are called to vote for the renewal of the parliament and decide which party to vote for among those that have presented themselves.

The Corriere test, carried out in collaboration with Euromedia Research, helps you identify which party best reflects your opinions on rights and social policies, economy, environmental policies, and foreign policy. The center-right presents itself in a coalition – with Forza Italia, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia and Noi moderati; in the center-left field, there are the Democratic Party, +Europa and Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra e Impegno civico; Azione and Italia Viva have given life to the Third pole.

The 5 Star Movement presents itself alone. Other parties in the race are Unione Popolare (the party led by Luigi De Magistris); Italia Sovrana e Popolare (the formation of Antonino Ingroia); Italexit (by Gianluigi Paragone).

With 20 questions, the test will indicate the party closest to your political orientation together with two others that partly share your beliefs. At the end, it will show the coalitions to which you are politically farthest.

If you are still undecided or curious to confirm your decision, try the Cerca Partito on

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