Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Parejas del mismo sexo, el Parlamento debe encontrar el coraje para escribir una ley – Corriere.it

Clear news, evident confusion. Why are such delicate collective decisions left to the judiciary? It’s evident that different judges may reach different conclusions. Last March, for example, the Court of Appeal in Pistoia had recognized the legitimacy of recognition by both mothers. So, will children born in Tuscany have two mothers, while those in Lombardy […]

M90 bear killing sparks anger from animal rights activists: “The massacre has begun, we will invade Trento on Saturday”

“Fugatti – is the accusation – targeting [which already risk extinction due to genetic isolation and rapidly growing poaching]. “The slaughter of the Trento bears, signed by President Fugatti, has officially begun,” is Lav’s attack. “It was a real execution,” notes Massimo Vitturi, head of the wildlife area. “It was all planned to prevent us […]

Tractors and protests, the government seeks funds. Discount on income tax and expensive diesel. Farmers (divided) in Rome- Corriere.it

The U-turn by Brussels on pesticide cuts is “a first step”, but for Italian farmers the tractor protest continues, even though Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has claimed the EU Commission’s halt as “an Italian victory”. The government is working to meet the farmers’ demands through the Milleproroghe decree. From extending the exemption of IRPEF for […]